Passion Week and the Radiant Resurrection of our Lord Services 2021


 Great and Holy Thursday, Passion of Christ

(Vespers – 12 Gospels Reading) Service with

Rev. Fr. Roman on Thursday, Apr 29, 2021

 Join Great and Holy Thursday (Vespers – 12 Gospels Reading) from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373 Access Code: 980-961-157

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

  Sign In – 6:40 PM

Reading of the Twelve Gospels at 7:00 pm



Great and Holy Friday: Vespers and Bringing out of HOLY SHROUD (PLASHCHANYTSYA) Service with

Rev. Fr. Roman on Friday, Apr 29, 2021

Join GREAT AND HOLY  FRIDAY Service from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391 Access Code: 921-541-621
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

 Sign In – 6:40 PM

Great and Holy Friday Service at 7:00 PM


The Radiant Resurrection of our Lord  Jesus Christ -Holy Pasha  – Rev. Fr. Roman Tsaplan on Sunday, May 2, 2021 

Join the BRIGHT RESURRECTION OF JUSUS CHRIST – from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373  Access Code: 551-793-133
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

 Sign In – 7:40 AM


PASCHAL Divine Liturgy – 9:00 AM

 Virtual Paschal Baskets Blessing- Starting – 10:00 AM

  Drive-through Paschal Baskets Blessing   – 11:00 AM



At the executive board meeting we decided that we would have a virtual and drive-through basket blessing.

We will be observing the guidelines of numbers, social distancing and masks. We ask you not to come if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.

Join us for a pandemic friendly take on an Easter tradition. This outdoor, three-minute drive-through basket blessing will take place on the East side of the Holy Trinity Cathedral parking lot. Please enter the lane way via 10th or 11th Ave.

Feel free to bring traditional Easter basket foods. Pascha, babka, pysanky, hard-boiled eggs, chocolate and candy, butter, cheese, ham, green onions, sausage, horseradish, beets, salt and a candle. During basket blessings, please remain in your vehicle.

Please register for the drive-through basket blessing by calling the church office 604-876-4747 or the priest at 778-239-6252. You will be given your time window slot. If you are unable to come at your scheduled time, please notify the church office.

To reduce traffic congestion, drive through basket blessing will be on SaturdayMay 1, from 2 PM to 4 PM and on Sunday, May 2, from 11 AM to 1PM.


For more details:

Priest: (778) 239 – 6252

Call: (604) 876 – 4747

Check our website for updates:



Dear Loyal Patrons of our Friday Night Perogy Suppers!

It has been over 25 years that Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral has been serving you our Ukrainian Cuisine on the first Friday of every month. We have appreciated your loyalty all these years. Little did we know that a world pandemic would come upon us. We hope that you and your loved ones have been well and have been following safe and sensible social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You have probably been wondering if you would ever again be able to feast on our Ukrainian Cuisine!


TAKE-OUT ONLY Food sales will be available each Saturday at the KITCHEN DOOR.

Food items will change slightly each Saturday.

We will send weekly email notices informing you of the items available for the upcoming Saturday or any other changes. If you wish to receive this notice please respond by email to: to subscribe.

Saturday, September 19th, 2020 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Perogies * Dessert Carrot Cake * Pop

(No cabbage rolls or borscht are available at this time.)


Our volunteer guides will be stationed outside to help with physical distancing. Hope to see you soon! Smachnoho!


We welcome your feedback and suggestions on our new format!


Our main concern is the safety of our customers and volunteers. Information about COVID-19 changes quickly and we will update the new information as it becomes available. Our plan was created using the information provided by WorkSafeBC and the BC Government. During food preparation there will be minimal touching of food and packaging of items. There will be sanitizing procedures, frequent handwashing as well as use of gloves and masks in the kitchen.

Limited church reopening as of Sunday June 28th – **PLEASE READ DETAILS BELOW**

All Friday Night Supper (FNS) have been CANCELLED until further notice.

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral is now open for Sunday service in a limited way. In order to maintain social distancing in this phase of reopening attendance is limited to 32. Simultaneous on-line services will continue into the foreseeable future via GoToMeeting.

To register for Sunday service please call 604-876-4747 or email by NOON Friday before the Sunday on which you wish to attend.

IMPORTANT: Registration does not guarantee attendance. You will be advised if you may attend.  Every effort is being made to allow everyone who wishes an equal opportunity to attend a Sunday service.

Doors open Sunday morning at 9:30 AM to allow time to process parishioners attending the service. Volunteers will be present. Registrants who are not in church by 10:20 AM may lose their spot that Sunday.

Who may attend:

1. Parishioners who wish to attend church on Sunday must communicate their desire by telephone or email to the Holy Trinity Cathedral office. Telephone: 604-876-4747 Email:

2. Parishioners must provide their full name, address, telephone number and email address for purposes of contact tracing should an attendee come down with Covid-19 symptoms.

3. If another person or persons who reside(s) with the parishioner wish to attend church, they must also provide their full name, address, telephone number and email address.

4. Persons wishing to attend church on Sunday should provide their availability for several Sundays over the next month.

5. A person exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms or who has experienced Covid-19 symptoms within the last 14 days must NOT attend church. A list of symptoms is attached to these Rules.

6. A person who has been in contact with a person who has had Covid-19 or exhibited Covid-19 symptoms within the last 14 days must NOT attend church.

7. A person who has travelled outside of Canada and is required to isolate for 14 days must NOT attend church.

8. Persons who are in a high risk category (over age 60 and/or with underlying medical conditions) are strongly encouraged NOT to attend church.

9. Persons who reside with a person or persons in a high risk category (over age 60 and/or with underlying medical conditions) are strongly encouraged NOT to attend church. IMPORTANT: Advising the Cathedral office that you wish to attend church does not guarantee that you will be able to do so. If the number of people that contact the Cathedral office exceeds 32, the Cathedral office will contact you to advise you as to what Sunday you may attend church. You must speak with our Cathedral Administrator. Leaving a voice message does not confirm your attendance.

10. Do not come to the Cathedral on a Sunday not designated for you. If you do, you will be turned away!

11. Do not come to the Cathedral on a Sunday if you have not contacted the Cathedral office and provided the required information. If you do, you will be turned away! IMPORTANT: There are Rules for attending church during this reopening phase. Please ask the Church office to send you a copy. You must familiarize yourself with these rules so that you are not surprised when you come to church!

May God’s blessings be upon all of you during these unprecedented times!

**Please arrive a little early out of respect for our volunteers to go over the check-in procedures/questions, temperature reading and delays with candle service.**

9:30am – Doors open

9:45am – Hours reading

10:00am – Divine Liturgy


Holy Trinity Volunteers completed their 8th Downtown Eastside Outreach on Saturday December 21st. Volunteers brought a little Christmas cheer by making and distributing over 150 bagged lunches for our brothers and sisters in Christ. God blessed us with clear skies and a day without incident. Volunteers included Elena Murgoci, Marcia Moroz, Anna Zubchenko, Anna’s son Alex, Andrea Sawczenko, and Kelly Grace. We also had new volunteers such as Tim Redford, Tim’s Mother Jan, Nic Gardias, Austin Gangur, and Andrea’s niece Natalie. Volunteers were enthusiastic and in good spirits. Lunch recipients were pleasantly surprised and appreciative. Also this was the first time for our volunteers to use our new volunteer jackets which were donated by Donna Moroz from Sterling Enterprise Ltd. Jackets helped us identify our volunteers from a distance, helped the DTES residents identify our volunteers, kept volunteers dry and warm, and it brought a sense of pride and unity to the team.  We would like to thank and acknowledge the kindness and generosity of the late Donna Moroz (Vichnaya Pamyat). This was our last Outreach for 2019. Once again we thank the Board, Fr. Roman and the Parish for their continued support of this necessary program.


APRIL 22 -The beginning of Holy Week: The final week before the observance of Christ’s Resurrection is known as the Holy Week or Passion Week. These are the holiest days of the year, a time for accentuated prayer and fasting. LET US DO WHATEVER WE CAN to observe  this final week of the Great Lent.  

APRIL 25  Great and Holy Thursday, Passion of Christ: Reading of the Twelve Gospels at 7:00 pm.

APRIL 26 – Great and Holy Friday: Vespers and bringing out of the HOLY SHROUD at 7:00 pm. 





Following the Blessing of Easter baskets, those who wish to remain and share a Fellowship Hour and their Easter basket foods with other worshippers are cordially invited to do so. Coffee will be served.


CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH CLASSES FOR ADULTS: Thursday evenings 6:30 – 8:00 from May 16th to June 27th in the parish building. Cost: $20 for 7 classes. To register please contact Wally Hawryshkewich at or 613-316-7779.

Кляси англійської мови для дорослих: При церкві від 16-ого травня до 27-ого червня. Що четверга від 6:30 до 8:00 години вечора. Коштує: $20. Прошу звертатися до Влодка Гавришкевича на 613 316 7779 або

A Seminar about the Orthodox Faith and “ICONS”

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral invites you to attend a Seminar to learn about the Orthodox Faith and “ICONS”

Presented by the Very Rev., Fr. Dimitrie Vincent
LUNCH will be served by “Donation”

Click here for more Information

9:30am – 10:00am CHURCH SERVICE
10:00am -11:00am Session 1 ”The Basics – Why, What, Where, When?” Q & A
11:00am – 11:15am Coffee Break
11:15am -12:30pm Session 2 Historical Survey of Iconography–“Beginning to Present” Q &A
12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch
12:30pm – 2:45pm Session 3 “Iconography Present Day” Q & A
2:45pm – 3:00pm Coffee Break
3:00pm – 4:00pm Session 4 “Our Responsibility as Living Icons” Q & A

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral’s Outreach Program

“And He said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
-Matthew 22:37-39

Since the Fall 2017 Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral has started a street ministry serving primarily those in the Downtown east side of Vancouver. Our volunteers come with various backgrounds, experiences and mostly importantly charisma to serve others.
Our mission is simple: To spread Christ’s love and mercy. We offer a bagged lunch, a smile, a kind word, a handshake, a hug, a prayer, and an ear to listen. Simple and small gestures that go a long way.

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
-Matthew 7:12

We have a large pool of enthusiastic parish volunteers, friends and family willing to help this worthy cause. As we all know Vancouver can be very cold and rainy this includes the summer months too. In addition to the bagged lunches we also distribute small clothing items such as socks, mitts, gloves, hats, toques, scarves, and underwear. Having clean, dry, and warm clothing can make a huge difference in a person’s day to day life.

“He will have compassion on the poor and needy, And the lives of the needy he will save.”
-Psalms 72:13

We have also partnered with local businesses like Kozak Ukrainian Eatery and Save On Foods to better help those in need and assistance. We look forward to partnering with additional businesses, churches and charities in the near future.

We are one community and need to look after one another. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

“The rich and the poor have a common bond, The Lord is the maker of them all.”
-Proverbs 22:2

If you wish to donate clothing, make a cash donation, partner with us or just wish to find out more about our program please contact our church office at (604) 876-4747.


 One of the highlights of the coming Great Fast for every believing Christian is the receiving of the Holy Eucharist. “Take and eat,” Jesus commanded at the Mystical Supper before He died. “Drink you all of this,” He said at the Table as He met for the last time with His friends. 

“Holy Communion is a communal act testifying the we comprise one family, the family of Christ.” We come as His children to the common Cup and Table. We gather at the Supper today as the Lord’s family, just as He gathered that family about Himself centuries ago.

Communion is also a personal act that brings us into an intimate union with Christ. The Lord once said the whosoever partakes of the Eucharist “abides in Me, and I in him.”

Holy Communion is also a pledge of eternal life. It is a foretaste of the eternal feast to come. “It is a sign of the Lord’s death and resurrection; therefore, of our own death to sin and resurrection to life.” By receiving Holy Communion in faith, we become one body with Christ and a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.







Mailing Address: 154 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5T 1Z4
604-876-4747  l  Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral